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neuer Artikel erstellt am 12.03.2023-13:23
Excalibur Crossbow Recurve Package Twinstrike TAC2 2023
ab 1.474,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20230209-05
Menge Stück
Farbe Black
Tru Timber Strata (+ 95,00 €)
Mossy Oak Break Up Country (+ 95,00 €)

Bolt Length:16.5 inch
Mass Weight:3,402.00 gram
Length: 32.125 inch
Factory Speed: 340 fps
Included Accessories: Charger EXT cocking aid, TACT-100 illuminated scope, 30mm scope rings, quiver, 4x16.5” Quill arrows, DualFire decocking aid
Colour: True Mossy Oak Break Up Country, Tru Timber Strata

Recurve crossbow from Excalibur crossbows
Ideal for serious shooters who don't want to miss the chance to make a shot
DualFire, two trigger technology allows for two tight-grouping shots
Second shot within milliseconds
With DualFire decocking aid

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