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Win & Win Black Wolf Riser
ab 379,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20230209-18
Menge Stück
Ausführung RH - rechts Hand
LH - links Hand

Win&Win Archery manufacture recurve bows for a world of champions, where every archery in every nation strives for perfection since 1980. BLACK WOLF series makes no exception and gathers both Win&Win's heritage and experience in building recurve bows for hunting, without sacrifying maneuverability. Black Wolf recurve was the ultimate traditional recurve bow with 17" carbon riser paired with all Win&Win limbs.
Length: 17"
Riser weight: 2.5lbs
Comes with: Riser, riser cover, shelf spacer & a set of allen wrenches.

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