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Pfeil Victory 3DHV 204 V6 Sport
Easton Rohschaft Carbon ST Epic
Features 100% high modulus carbon fiber incorporated into a high performance target arrow design A hybrid arrow that is the perfect cross-breed of high quality, lightweight, durable materials for flat trajectory that will benefit any hunting/3D archer Spine Aligned for increased accuracy and tighter grouping Features a writeable arrow ID box for easy identification during competition .204" XV Series ± 0.006" Straightness Weight Tolerance ± .5 grains Includes AAE IP Nock #4 and Victory 3DHV Uni Bushing 300 (7.0 gpi), 350 (6.4 gpi), 400 (5.9 gpi), 500 (5.0 gpi), 600 (5.5 gpi), 700 (5.7 gpi), 800 (5.1 gpi)

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