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Spot Hogg Fast Eddie XL MRT / 1 PIN MICRO
RH - rechts Hand
ab 328,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20201201-231
Menge Stück
Ausführung 1 PIN .010"
1 PIN .019"

Super choice for the bowhunter and 3-D archer who likes many features built into a sight.

Built off of the Fast Eddie, the XL features a 6" dovetail bar bow mount
Special attention was given to the bar design to maximize the strength and minimize weight
Easy to remove and reinstall while still maintaining perfect sight marks
Perfect for both hitting the woods or taking on the tournament trail
Single-pin MRT scope (Green pin)
Micro adjustable 2nd and 3rd axis
Easy toolless adjustments
Silent, quick release lock for yardage knob
HRD technology, no bushings, no slop, and no buzz
Solid 6061 aluminum construction
Accepts sight light: yes, 3/8 x 32

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