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QAD Integrate R2 Arrow Rest
neuer Artikel erstellt am 01.03.2017-04:06
The Ultrarest Integrate R2® expanding the Integrate Mounting System® revolution. Packed with all the best features from the popular HDX model into a sleek, lightweight profile that fits the Integrate Mounting System.® The silky smooth friction feel horizontal and vertical adjustments will allow you to tune this rest in record time. Total Containment: When you’re drawn back and need to let down, the arrow remains fully contained. Anti-Backlash: Remove slop from the threads. Every click is an adjustment – no guessing! Lock Down: Drops and locks down, zero bounce back, zero fletching contact. EZ Clamp: No serving required; quick, easy cord adjustment. Safety Break Away: When launcher is forced down, it will safely break away to prevent damage or injury. Anti-Vibration: Cambrake and dampers kill noise & vibrations. Velocity Drop-Away: High-tension spring drops the launcher for clearance at over 400fps.

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