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neuer Artikel erstellt am 23.01.2021-10:04
Rückenköcher AVELIN traditional
ab 19,99 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20210124-01
Menge Stück
Länge Short (46cm)
Long (52cm)
Farbe Brown

The Avelin comes in 2 versions: Short (46cm) & Long (52cm). The straps can be adjusted to just the way you want it, this makes it Ambidextrous as-well! This quiver provides more than enough room for two dozens of arrows and you can easily separate them due to the arrow separator in the middle. Buck Trail really thought of everything, you can store your accessories easily in the attached pocked! The Avelin comes in 3 colors: Black, Gray & Brown.

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