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Last Chance Arrow Saw
579,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20201131-11
Menge Stück

The Revolution Arrow Saw reduces harmful and messy carbon dust, helping to protect your health, while also keeping your shop clean. Attach a shop vacuum to collect the carbon dust and water during operation. This innovative new saw also enables you to de-burr the edge of the arrow shaft, square the ends, clean the inside of the shaft with a wire brush and brush mop, and with the built-in arrow spinner, check the straightness of the shaft. This saw is a revolutionary new design from Last Chance Archery, the industry’s innovator of professional shop tools. - Arrow saw, water drip, and vacuum attachment - Blade and motor housing to help eliminate sound and carbon dust - Arrow spinners for checking shaft straightness - Deburring tool for the edges of the shaft - Cut shafts with or without nocks or vanes and at any shaft length - Squaring device for the ends of the arrow shaft - Wire brush and brush mop (assorted sizes) for cleaning the inside of the shaft - Broadhead tightening tool

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